Honorary Doctorate (D.Litt.) Awards
A Special Programme for Indian Dedicated Teachers
Objective: Awarding Dr. (Doctorate) for dedicated teachers is one of the primary objectives of Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Teacher's Welfare Association to fulfill the need of a doctorate degree of its member teachers; for reputation of both the teacher and their institution.
Collaboration: Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Research & Development Organisation in association with many Indian & International Universities recommending the dedicated teachers and educationalists for the Honorary Doctorate Awards and awarding "Dr." as a symbol of tribute and honor for the contribution made by them to the Indian Society.
Eligibility: A Dedicated Teacher (School Teachers/Asst.Professors /Professors / Principals / Directors / Head of the Institutions / Managing Trustees from reputed educational institutions and also Education Departmental Higher Authorities i.e. BEOs, Jt. /Dy. Directors, Directors, Secretaries etc.
(More than one candidate can apply from an institution.)
Qualification & Age: Not applicable. (A teacher is a teacher whether he/she is Primary School Teacher or a Professor in a Post Graduate Institution, so there is no particular in qualification and age, all teachers are eligible)
Recommendation: The applicant should be recommended by Head of the Institution i.e. Principal/Director/Chairman/Secretary/Managing Trustee / BEOs, Jt. /Dy. Directors/Director/Registrar/Vice-Chancellor.
The recommendation is a fundamental for the award. The recommenders are requested to recommend ethically and do not misuse the given authority and responsibility.
The Process: Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Research & Development Organisation will approve the recommended applications and forward to the concern University for the Award. The University will announce the name of the Awardees on its website and award the Doctorate (as per the date and mode mentioned in the notification).
How to Apply: Duly filled in prescribed application form, along with Teacher’s Welfare Fund / Associate Membership fee of Rs.15,000/- (Fifteen Thousand only) through a Bank DD in favour of "Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Teacher's Welfare Association", Payable at Bangalore and send by Speed-Post to:
The CEO,
Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Teacher's Welfare Association,
53/3, Nagarabhavi Main Road,
Bangalore-560072, INDIA

Please Note:
  • i. No need to pay any other charges or donation, except the Associate Membership fee / University registration fee.
  • ii. Research work or dissertation is not required for the Honorary Doctorate Award.
  • iii. The Honorary Doctorate Award is a symbol of tribute and honor; it is not a formal degree, but awardees can add "Dr." with their name.
  • iv. The Organisation will not force anyone to apply for the award; only interested / needy teachers can apply.
    The International Universities are may be autonomous; it is not compulsory to be registered /recognised in another country.
  • v. Please do not depend on phone call for your Enquiry ; mail us on: info.drsrrdo@gmail.com
    Our staff members will be busy with R&D activities; they may not take your phone calls, sometime.
  • vi. Photo copies of the application form can be used or click on bellow link to download.